The Latest Customer Testimonials

Every opinion matters to our team, be it positive or negative. We use your views to change and update our services, which results in positive testimonials and recommendations. View these below, and don’t hesitate to leave a review on our Facebook page.

“Definitely Book Again”

“Needed to be at Heathrow for 9am. Robbie picked us up bang on time, a very pleasant drive up the M3 despite rush hour/road works. We arrived at 8:55 totally relaxed and chilled out ready for our long flights to New Zealand. Will definitely be booking again.”

Matthew Munday - 10 March 2017


“Fantastic and Friendly”

“We used Abbey Executive Travel for the first time this week, for a journey back from Heathrow Airport. Fantastic and friendly service. Would highly recommend and will most certainly be using them again in the future.”

Marie Pack - 8 October 2016


“100% Recommend”

“Brilliant. Thanks so much for making the start and end to our holiday as easy as possible! Picked us up at 3.45am and got us to London Stansted well in time of our flight. Then picked us up on the way home. Didn’t mind the 50-minute flight delay and a slight delay when we met him as we had to report damage to our suitcase before we left the airport. Had water for the return trip which was very appreciated after our flight."

“Thanks so much. Would 100% recommend and would use again.”

Lola Reed - 9th August 2017


“Professional and Efficient”

“I have been using this service for work and pleasure over the last month and I have to say the complete package is fantastic. Punctual, friendly, comfortable, professional and efficient. Thanks Robbie.”

Kenny Bruce - 26th April 2016


Contact our team, in Hampshire, to arrange an executive travel service.

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